awake to God, every day.

Spiritual Direction and Retreats



"In Spiritual formation, we are aiming at a character and life that is so shaped, that the deeds of Christ routinely and easily come from what is inside." — Dallas Willard

We are provided many tools to help further our spiritual formation. Reading Scripture, being a part of a congregation or faith community, and prayer are the tools with which many of us are familiar. Formation Northwest is a non-denominational, ecumenical ministry that provides individuals and communities with the additional tools of spiritual direction and retreats in order to help deepen your intimacy with God and develop greater discernment.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is the practice of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with God.


retreats and events

Bring spiritual direction and contemplative practices to your retreat or event.

About Nish

Nish Weiseth (CSD) is an adventurer’s wife, a mother to two brilliant & hilarious kids, a spiritual director, and founder of Formation Northwest. When she’s not juggling all of those roles, you can either find her enjoying her idyllic mountain town, or with her nose in a good book.

Nish studied Religious Studies and Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder and completed Spiritual Direction training through Sustainable Faith and received continuing education at Loyola University, Chicago.

She is a member in good standing with Spiritual Directors International (SDI), Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA), and is listed as an OIS Spiritual Director. Nish adheres to the Codes of Ethics for both SDI and ESDA and is in regular supervision.